Schedule Update - Fitness Testing Friday - Please Pay Fee!

 Here is the updated schedule for the coming week, which will conclude with fitness testing for all players on Friday.

Tuesday, Sept. 1

Optional Training for all upperclass players and C. Guerin, W. Guerin, Hayes, A. McGrath and Tracy at Dresden from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Sept. 2

Optional Training for all Freshmen at Dresden 6:00 - 7:30

Optional Fitness (extra fee) for all players at Dresden 6:30 - 7:00 -  Final Session

Thursday, Sept. 3

Optional Training for Upperclass/freshman training groups 1 & 2 at Dresden 6:00- 7:00 p.m.

Optional Touchline Game at Hartford for Training Group 3 and Calderwood, McPride and Press at Dothan Brook 6:00 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 4

Fitness Testing at HHS Turf Field -  Freshmen 3:30, Sophomores 4:00, Juniors 4:20, Seniors 4:40

All players must arrive at their assigned time and leave immediately afterwards.  Masks to and from the field.  Temperature checks before, hand sanitizing afterwards.

Saturday, Sept. 5 - Monday Sept, 7

No scheduled activity. Players should train and stretch on their own

Tuesday, Sept. 8

Tryouts at Dresden Fields for all players 4:00 - 5:30.  Players are responsible for all transportation. All players must wear masks to and from training and must maintain 6 foot distance on the sidelines.  Players not in school during the day must have temperature checked.  All players must bring balls marked with their name and water bottles marked with their name.


Many players registered with Family ID are currently unapproved for participation because they have not had their physical examination registered, or had their fee paid.  The deadline for paying the athletic fee is Friday, but waiting until then will create a significant backlog and may result in a player being ineligible to participate on Tuesday. Paying the fee on Friday afternoon before the Labor Day weekend will increase the odds that a player cannot participate on Tuesday. Please help in this respect.

As we begin tryouts, we will continue our emphasis on safety first, safety second, safety always.  We will be learning more every day about the best ways for us to go forward as a school community, and then more specifically as a soccer program.  This year there will be far fewer games with other schools.  Many of them are still tentative about their plans.  Schedules will be changing constantly, and we ask everyone for patience.  We will nevertheless have a robust soccer program that involves every interested student every school day.  There will be regular games on Saturdays, beginning on Saturday, Sept. 19th when we host Lebanon High School with games for the Varsity and JV1. This allows schools to use busses when there is less demand for them. 

In a normal year, I am at school every day, using my time there to touch base with players, supervise the notorious Indoor Sports Club, and connect with teachers and staff to find ways to make every player's school experience a positive and productive one. I will be at HHS on Tuesday, Sept. 1 on the track at 8:00, because I was asked to help with 9th grade Orientation.  I will, however, be limiting my time in the school building this year. I am wary of spending time indoors with large groups.  I am in good health, but I am 69 years old, and hey, you know, pandemic. I truly believe in the science that says that outdoor activity greatly reduces the impact of airborne droplets. As long as I wear my mask (and you will never, ever see me with a mask off), I am comfortable that I can do absolutely everything needed to make the soccer program a valuable co-curricular experience. I am taking a year off from worrying about championships. There 's going to be an asterisk on the "champion's" name this year no matter what. I just want to keep players and their families safe, maintain the health of our extended community, and give the Hanover players the exercise, mental health and maturity to help us all weather the storm. We have been blessed to have a good summer of soccer, and will go as far into the fall as we can.  Thank you in advance for your patience, your patience, and your patience.


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