A Look at The Week Ahead - Important Details

 We have a busy week ahead, and each team has at least one game.  Four of them are on the road, and that takes some planning.  Here is a narrative look at the game and practice schedule published last Friday. Thanks to Senior GK CJ Wheelan for fixing the formatting problem that made schedules and lists so hard to read.  CJ, by the way, was one of three National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists on the Marauder Varsity, announced just a few days ago. Congratulations to CJ, Nathan Subrahmanian, and Tom Lyons.  Can you see why we keep bragging about senior leadership?

On Monday, the JV2 travels to Hartford to play the makeup game postponed from last week.  The team will depart at 3:30, and all players should immediately report to the Athletic Hallway after school to get their white away uniforms, change, and have temperatures.  Then, and only then, should they zip across the street to the Coop for a pre-game snack.  Take care of business first.

On Tuesday, the Varsity boys host Stevens on the turf at 7:30.  The girls play Stevens before that.  Spectator rules are the same, just two home parents/family members.  Wrist bands will be given out at Monday night training.

On Wednesday, the JV1 boys host Stevens at 3:00.  We are planning to play the game at Dresden, and will confirm this on Monday.

On Friday, The Freshmen play at Woodsville. Players are dismissed at 2:15, and the bus will depart at 2:30.  We need to have several freshmen travel with parents so there is enough room on the bus.  Please contact Coaches Hirschhorn and Grabill. We also are looking for parents to provide snacks for the bus trip: Gatorade, bananas and bagels are the traditional snacks.  Please contact the coaches.

On Saturday, that Varsity and  JV1 teams play at Stevens at 1:00 and 3:00. We believe that visiting parents are allowed to watch the games, and will confirm this.  We need to have several players from each team travel with parents.  Please contact Coach Grabill.

Looking ahead, all of the seniors in the program will be honored on Senior Day at halftime of the home game against Mascoma on Saturday, October 10th.  Details will follow.  Have a great week!


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